Vafa-Witten invariants for smooth fibrations (in progress with Sanghyeon Lee)
A correspondence between the quantum K theory and quantum cohomology of Grassmannian (joint with Wei Gu, Jirui Guo, Leonardo Mihalcea, and Xiaohan Yan)
Wall crossing and the Fourier-Mukai transform for Grassmannian flops (joint with Nathan Priddis and Mark Shoemaker), submitted.
Springer correspondence and mirror symmetries for parabolic Hitchin systems (joint with Bin Wang, and Xueqing Wen)
Seiberg-like duality for resolutions of determinantal varieties (joint with Nathan Priddis and Mark Shoemaker), submitted.
Mirror symmetry for special nilpotent orbit closures (joint with Baohua Fu and Yongbin Ruan), to appear in Sci. China Math.
Quantum K-theory and q-difference equations (joint with Yongbin Ruan), Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser. 38, 1677-1704 (2022).
Nonabelian mirrors and Gromov-Witten invariants (joint with Wei Gu and Jirui Guo), submitted.
Difference equation for quintic 3-fold, SIGMA, 18, No. 043, 25 pp (2022).
Quantum K-theory of toric varieties, level structures, and 3d mirror symmetry (joint with Yongbin Ruan and Zijun Zhou), Adv. Math, 410, Part B, (2022).
Level correspondence of K-theoretic I-function in Grassmann duality (joint with Hai Dong), Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 10, 44 (2022).